Does Insurance Cover the Cost of Hearing Aids in Maine? – Zoom Event + ASL interpreter – June 20, 2024 at 6:45 pm.

* * * time changed a bit * * * Does insurance cover the cost of hearing aids in Maine?

     An HLAA DownEast Zoom meeting      to help us live better with our hearing loss! We’ll have an ASL interpreter, too.

     Thursday, June 20th at 6:45 pm to 8:30 pm. 

Did you get excited when Maine passed a law that certain insurance plans are required to provide that coverage? Does it apply to you?

Back in 2019 the Maine legislature passed a statute requiring some private insurers to cover the cost of hearing aids.
But what plans?
What insurances out there work for hearing aids? Cochlear implants?

Learn from a panel of experts that include:

Pamela Stutch –  Attorney, Consumer Health Care Division, Maine Bureau of Insurance

Terry Morrell – Director of Division for the Deaf Hard of Hearing and Late Deafened

Ann Shea – From EAAA,  Ann will discuss the costs of hearing aids and how hearing aids and cochlear implants are covered by Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage.

ASL interpreter provided by Mary Jane Grant Sign Language Interpreting Service.

And let’s learn from each other:

Margaret and Pat – HLAA DownEast – That’s us!  We will reflect on our experiences with insurance companies, medicare, medi-gap, medicare advantage and MaineCare.
Everyone is invited to join in on the discussion! 

Join our Zoom meeting with captions + ASL on Thursday June 20th at 6:45 pm. The link will be sent out to all on the day before, June 19th, or contact Pat Dobbs.