
HLAA Downeast Chapter in Maine is under the umbrella of the national organization of Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) which is located in Bethesda, Maryland.

The purpose and objective of the HLAA Downeast Chapter is to educate all Mainers about the causes, nature, and complications of hearing loss and what can be done to better cope with that loss. We hold four to five meetings a year at which we may have guest speakers on a variety of topics relating to hearing loss. At meetings everyone can  share their experiences coping with hearing loss.


President – Pat Dobbs, Deer Isle

Vice-President – Margaret Myatt, Kennebunkport

Treasurer – Andy Chandler, Portland

Webmaster, Secretary  – Thomas F Watson III, Swanville

We look forward to expanding our in – person meetings as Covid restrictrions subside.  Because Maine is a big state, we will be augmenting our offerings with Zoom/Google Meet online meetings.

Meeting topics include accessibility, hearing aids, legislation, cochlear implants, tinnitus, captioning, assistive devices, state services, coping tips, and many more topics!

Before the HLAA Downeast Chapter began, many of our hard-of-hearing members felt isolated and found communication a struggle.

We provide a place to find answers, ask new questions, and meet people who understand. We also provide resources for information and friendship.

To be placed on the email distribution list for notices and other important announcements from HLAA Downeast Chapter, email us at hearinglossmaine@gmail.com .  We do not share your email with anyone.  Period.   Please consider signing up.
